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1.怎么写research paper

Ten Steps to Good Research Paper To write a good research paper, you must be specific about your topic, know what you want to say, and say it effectively. Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper. Step 1. Choose Your Topic. When choosing a topic, choose one in which you are interested, and for which there is enough information. If your topic is too broad, you will have difficulty completing your paper. “The Effects of Pollution” is too broad because there are so many effects of pollution. “The Effects of Pollution on Geese in the Northeast Section of Duluth, Minnesota” is too narrow. You are not likely to find much information that is this specific. “The Effects of Pollution in Yosemite National Park” is just about right as a topic. Step 2. Locate Information. Use information from a variety of reference sources.These sources include encyclopedias, almanacs, scholarly journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. Find these sources in print form, on CD-ROMS, and on the Internet. Step 3. Prepare Bibliography Cards. Prepare bibliography cards to document the sources of information you use when writing your paper. Your library will have style manuals to illustrate how to prepare bibliography cards for various sources of information. Step 4. Prepare Note Cards. Use note cards to record notes from each source you use when writing your paper. Number your note cards to keep track of them. Step 5. Prepare an Outline. Write an outline for your paper by organizing your notes from the note cards into topics, subtopics, details, and subdetails. Use an organization such as: I. (topic) A. (subtopic) 1. (detail) a. (subdetail) Step 6. Write A Rough Draft. Use your note cards and outline to write a rough draft of your paper. As you write your draft, use numbered footnotes to credit sources from which you take quotations or major ideas. Step 7. Revise Your Rough Draft. Make any changes needed to be sure your ideas are clearly expressed and your writing has accurate spelling and grammar. Step 8. Prepare Your Bibliography. At the end of your paper, provide a list of all the sources you used to gather information for the paper. Your bibliography cards will provide this information. List your sources in alphabetical order by the first word on each of your bibliography cards. Step 9. Prepare a Title Page and Table of Contents. The title page is the first page of the paper. It should include the title of your paper, your name, and the date on which the paper is due. The table of contents is the second page. It should list the main topics, important subtopics, and the page on which each is introduced in your paper. Step 10. Final Checklist. Before handing in your paper, be sure you can answer “Yes” to each of the following questions. Did I include a title page? Did I include a table of contents? Did I number all pages correctly? Did I provide footnotes for quotations and major sources of information? Did I include a bibliography? Did I keep a second copy for my files Following these ten steps will help you write a good research paper.。

2.怎样写好research proposal

《怎样写Research Proposal》 Proposal这里是开题报告的意思1。



开始写proposal,篇幅不限,自己能看懂就行;5。论证这个proposed 题目没有人研究过,而且没有人正在研究,如果有人正在研究了,研究他的下一步工作(future work),如果找不到这样的方向,跳会第二步;6。


挑最干的,最有价值的,整理成150字(我最后写了149个字) 这个过程基本上花4周的精力。成功的proposal的衡量标准(以下几条尽量占全):1。



能把研究的value说清楚 每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说,好的proposal是研究成功的一半。

但实际而功利的说,如果你的proposal很烂,可能根本就不会有开始研究的机会。How to write a research proposal?能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。

但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。

程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。

下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下:Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one's research is only as a good as one's proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.Title:It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader's interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal.Abstract:It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any 。


每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。


How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。

英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。

对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。

[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源] 文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下: Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one's research is only as a good as one's proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher. A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. TITLE: It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader's interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal. ABSTRACT: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used. INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing. If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas. However, try to place your research question in the 。

4.Research Report怎么写

Research Report是对文章中所提到的关于某一问题、某一事件、某一经验等相关内容,通过客观实际的调查和了解,在实践过程中调查到的全部资料和数据进行全面整理并且分析研究,揭示问题的本质,反应客观规律,再得出总结。最主要的是要完整的进行书面陈述。因此Research Report作为调研报告,其最核心的要求就是必须实事求是的反映客观和准确的分析。

简单的来说Research Report包含了两个部分,一 调查,二 研究。调查工作需要切入实际,准确的反映客观实际情况,在调查过程中不能加入作者主观的想象和猜测,要从调查对象的真实面目来了解事物,尽可能详细的掌握大量材料。研究工作就是在作者所掌握的客观材料的基础上进行严谨的分析,透彻并且准确的解释对象的本质。

5.Research Proposal怎么写






5。论证这个proposed 题目没有人研究过,而且没有人正在研究,如果有人正在研究了,研究他的下一步工作(future work),如果找不到这样的方向,跳会第二步;












第一段 总体介绍下什么是Dragon 描写下起源 主要从国外历史上神话上来写 另外龙并不是实际存在的 是虚构的 再次许多国家都有龙 比如欧洲 比如韩国 日本 象征意义是什么 总之尽可能地多方位解释一下龙 为后文做铺垫

第二段 介绍中国的龙 起源 意义 在实际生活中的应用 以及流传到其他国家之类的

第三段 中国龙和外国龙的区别 形态 性情 神话故事中的角色等

第四段 总结 说出自己的观点 类似于各有各的好吧 再稍微总结下中国龙和外国龙的不同

这个需要做好多准备工作 查找资料啊 之类的 而且引用一定要标注 不然就算抄袭了 呵呵 research其实是很累人的东西

7.research model怎么写

research model



First, perceived security is added in technology acceptance model, then theoretical hypothesis and research model are developed, finally, structure equation modeling package is used to test them.


Virtual Analog Clothing Dynamic Display of the Action Research Model in Virtual Garments Show


The new research model got over the lack of communication during studying, enhanced the cooperation among researchers, and improved the efficiency of work and speed.

