

科普经验站 人气:3.31W

before we make the sandwich,we need to get some pieces of bread,sauce like salsa,some chicken,and vegetables with big or small the specific choices are according to your preference.first of all,we gotta fried the chicken if it



鸡肉丝三明治的做法 食材 主料 鸡胸肉 150g 洋葱 30g 水煮蛋 两 黄瓜 50g 胡萝卜 50g 吐司 九片 辅料 盐 点点 沙拉 适量 步骤 1.:先鸡胸肉清水烫熟切丁(或者手撕细丝); 2.二:洋葱、胡萝卜、鸡蛋切丁黄瓜切片;吐司边; 3.三:所切丁材料加


黑椒鸡排三明治的做法 1块鸡胸肉片可以大概成三、四片薄片,然后根据自己口味用生抽、料酒、黑胡椒、蜂蜜腌上二十分钟左右。 平底锅少许油,将腌好的鸡胸肉煎熟。 将吐司面包用烤箱或者平底锅煎一下。 一片吐司面包,一片芝士,一片生菜,一片煎


用料 谷物面包 2片 红生菜 2张 西红柿 1个 鸡胸肉 1片 柠檬 1片 芥末籽芥末酱 1小勺 蛋黄酱 2大勺 杏仁 10粒 盐 胡椒 少量 番茄鸡肉三明治的做法 准备材料 将鸡胸肉煮熟 将西红柿切成0.3cm的薄片状, 杏仁捻成细小碎粒 将鸡胸肉凉凉后撕成细丝


材料 裸麦面包 一条,鸡胸肉 2块,萝蔓生菜 4叶,番茄切片 4片,新鲜莫扎瑞拉起司 4~6片,义大利巴西里 4枝,橄榄油 3大匙,盐 少许,胡椒粉 少许,百里香 适量,芥末酱 适量,奶油 少许,鸡蛋 4个,牛奶 100ml,新鲜莫扎瑞拉起司 1片,马铃薯 2个,干燥罗勒 适


用料 鸡胸 块 绿甘蓝(卷心菜) 吐司 黑胡椒 生抽 橄榄油 番茄酱 黑椒鸡肉三明治的做法 小半块鸡胸用刀背拍拍松,用现磨的黑胡椒、生抽和橄榄油腌一小时左右; 下锅中小火煎熟,每面大概三四分钟吧。或者用烤箱烤也行。 绿甘蓝切丝儿炒熟即可。


用料 鸡胸肉 1块 培根 2条切半 串番茄 1颗 生菜 1片 切片面包 1片 沙拉酱/芥末酱 适量 鸡肉培根三明治的做法 鸡胸肉的处理: 去掉筋膜和脂肪,将鸡胸肉切成大片。具体操作请看手残渣图w 1就是纵向切一刀,不切断。 2横向两边切开,也不切断 3将


鸡肉三明治的做法(英语作文) 急啊 !急!拜托快点~~

First ,put the butter on a slice of bread .

then cut up an onion and a tomato .

add these to the bread . next ,put some lettuce and the beef slices on the bread .

put the relish on the beef .

finally ,put another slices of bresd on the top


Chicken Sandwich


4 boneless skinless chicken breast

1⁄2 t Salt

1⁄2 t Dried oregano leaves

1⁄4 t Pepper1 T Oil

1⁄8 bell pepper, seed and cut in strips

1 red onion. sliced, separate into rings

Mayonnaise4 t margarine

4 buns split and toasted1 Tomato, sliced

4 Lettuce leaves

1. Place the chicken breasts between wax paper roll with rolling pin til 1/4 inch thick Sprinkle with salt, oregano and pepper Heat oil in skillet med.

2. high heat Add chicken; cook 8 to 10 minutes or till lightly browned and not pink, turn once Remove chicken from pan and keep warm In same pan cook bell pepper and onion 5 to 7 minutes or til crisp tender, stir occasionally Remove from pan and keep warm Spread buns with margarine and toast in same skillet til golden brown To assemble put mayo (desired amount on buns) Top with chicken breast, pepper mixture, tomato and lettuce.追答给下好评



吐司    2片    

生菜 黄瓜 番茄    适量    

ricotta奶酪/百吉福轻怡涂抹奶酪/脱水酸奶    适量    

鸡胸肉    1片    

盐 黑胡椒粉    适量    

面粉    少许    

鸡蛋    1个    

白芝麻    少许    









First,put the butter on a slice of bread.Then cut up an onion and a potato.Add these to the bread.Next,put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread.Put the relish on the chicken.Finally,put another slice of bread on the top.

【照着书上的文章改的,望采纳。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……】


Chicken sandwich volume (鸡肉三明治 卷) Material: chicken dried meat meat 180 grams, egg 1, the cucumber pickle 60 grams, the onion 60 grams, celery half, the slice bread (slices hard-edge) 6 pieces, the white pepper powder and the salt little, thousand island sauce 120 grams, the clear plastic wrap are few. (材料: 鸡脯肉180克、 鸡蛋1个、 酸黄瓜60克、洋葱60克、西 芹半根、切片面包(切去硬边)6片、 白胡椒粉和盐少许、千岛酱120克、保 鲜膜少量。) Method: 1, boils thoroughly the first chicken dries in the sun cuts to pieces coolly, after the egg boils thoroughly, depilates cuts to pieces, the cucumber pickle, the onion, the celery also separately cut to pieces. Each raw material which cuts to pieces pours into the large bowl, puts in thousand island sauces again, puts the few white pepper powder and the salt blends flavors, agitation even spare. 2, will place the slice of bread in the steamer to steam 5 minutes (will treat like this when little while volume is very soft, has tough not crack). [good food China] 3, takes out the slice of bread with hand compressing, then 1 smudges the above material in slice of bread one side, curls up inward, becomes the cylinder shape; Uses the clear plastic wrap to curl up again, turns tight the both sides (does not look like each one candy ^_^ likely), then admits the refrigerator refrigerating room freezing. when 4, edible, takes from the refrigerator, becomes two sections with the knife in 1/2 bevelling, after 10-15 minutes defrosting warm then heartily enjoys (作法: 1、先把鸡肉煮熟晾凉切碎,鸡 蛋煮熟后去壳切碎,酸黄瓜、洋葱、西 芹也都分别切碎。把切碎的各种原料倒 进大碗里,再放入千岛酱,放少量白胡 椒粉和盐调味,搅拌均匀备用。2、把 面包片放在蒸笼里蒸5分钟(这样待会 儿卷时就很软、有韧性不会裂)。[美食 中国] 3、取出面包片用手压扁,然后将 上述料1涂抹在面包片的一边,向内卷 起,成圆筒状;再用保鲜膜卷起,将两 端扭紧(像不像一个个糖果^_^),然 后放进冰箱冷冻室冷冻。4、食用时, 从冰箱里取出来,用刀在1/2处斜切成 两段,经10-15分钟的解冻回温后即可 尽情享用啦)追问其实只要80字追答好减

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